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Your data is safe

Welcome to Joyspace APIs. At Joyspace, data security is our top priority. We understand the significance of privacy for both you and your customers, and we want you to feel confident in using our APIs. To achieve this, we've implemented stringent security measures to ensure that your data remains safe throughout its lifecycle.

  • When it comes to data transit and storage, we've got you covered with robust encryption protocols. This means that whether your data is on the move or at rest, it is shielded from unauthorized access.

  • At Joyspace, we provide complete data isolation to all of our customers. Your customer data is always separated from that of others, ensuring a secure and personalized experience. This separation extra layer of protection, reinforcing our commitment to maintaining the integrity and privacy of your valuable information.

  • Your data is NOT used for training Machine Learning models, unless you intended it to. Your information remains confidential and is utilized only for the purposes you intend. You should feel confident that your data is in capable and secure hands.


To guarantee the integrity and exclusivity of our API interactions, Joyspace follows industry-standard authentication practices. All users are required to register with our platform, obtaining unique credentials that include an API key. This key serves as a digital signature, allowing us to verify the identity of each user and ensure that only authorized entities can access our APIs.


Building upon the foundation of authentication, Joyspace employs a dual-layered authorization mechanism. To access any of our APIs, users must include two mandatory headers in their requests:

  • joyspace-api-key: This key is associated with the user's account and serves as a primary identifier during the authentication process.

  • joyspace-account-id: This header specifies the unique account ID, providing an additional layer of validation to ensure that requests originate from legitimate and authorized sources.

Generate API Key

You can generate joyspace-api-key by logging into the dashboard and navigating to the Auth section on the left pane.

You don't need to do anything to generate joyspace-account-id. It is automatically generated when you sign up.

For your convinience joyspace-account-id is shown in the Auth dashboard and navigating to the Account tab.


For security purposes, your API keys is shown only once. You need to copy it to a secure location (generally your .env file). In case you lose the key, you will have to generate a new key.


Do not share your API keys with anyone. Take extra care that you do not hardcode it in the code. Usual mistakes include committing it to the repository.

How to use API Keys

For any of Joyspace API, you need to include the generated API key joyspace-api-key and joyspace-account-id in the header for authentication. Each request must include these headers.

curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'joyspace-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
  -H 'joyspace-account-id: YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID' \
api-name can be one of the APIs provided by Joyspace AI. For example, api/v1/search or api/v1/index_data.

You are ready

At Joyspace, we believe that secure access is the cornerstone of a trustworthy API ecosystem. By following these practices, we not only meet industry standards but also empower you with the tools to integrate our APIs seamlessly and confidently into your applications.

Ensure you include the generated API key joyspace-api-key and joyspace-account-id in the header for authentication in subsequent API requests.

Feel free to explore our API endpoints for indexing and searching data.