Joyspace AI Search: The Ultimate AI-Powered Search Engine for Video, Audio, and Document Search

Joyspace AI search engine. Video search engine. Audio search engine. Documents search engine. Build Enterprise search apps.

​​At Joyspace, we empower SMBs and large businesses to use AI for driving business growth. We do this by building infrastructure and platform services for Search and AI Assistant. The way we all search for information has undergone a remarkable change in the last five years. Mobile searches are now larger than desktop searches. Almost all search query responses you have seen in the last five years have an element of AI in them. 

Today we are going to look at some of the AI features offered by Joyspace Search. If you have not already, I recommend you check out this post that talks about why you should consider investing in Search for your applications.  

AI is at the heart of everything we do. With our proprietary algorithms we are able to combine hundreds of signals for Document, Video, Audio search, making Joyspace a truly multimodal AI-powered search engine.  Let us now see some of the coolest features available with the Joyspace AI search engine.

One of the most exciting features of the Joyspace AI Search Engine is its ability to analyze video or audio content and provide precise start and end times for relevant segments within videos or audio. We just don’t rely on transcripts. Joyspace analyzes videos frame by frame, so you can search for people, places, objects, and much more. We are able to pinpoint the exact frame within the video and the exact data, down to milliseconds, where that search term appeared. All of this happens in real-time, and your users will never notice a delay. 

Joyspace Search Engine’s innovative search with AI feature is particularly useful for researchers, students, and professionals who need to quickly locate specific information within lengthy video files. By leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms, Joyspace AI search can automatically identify and timestamp relevant sections based on the user's query, eliminating the need for manual scanning. Another useful application is reviewing and analyzing thousands of hours of security video footage or testimony in judicial proceedings. Joyspace AI search not only saves valuable time but also ensures that users can quickly access the most pertinent information and get relevant information.

Accurate keyword matching down to single page

If you have a large number of PDF files, HTML pages, or word documents consisting of millions of pages and you want to search for a specific phrase, well, you are in luck! Joyspace AI-powered search can find any keyword, irrespective of how many documents you have. The Joyspace AI search engine keeps indices in memory and pinpoints the exact page where keywords are found. All results are returned in milliseconds for any type of query, whether simple or complex. You will get the document name, page number, and all related metadata in the results.

What’s more interesting is that you can add filters and facets based on any indexed data and metadata field that you would like. It does not matter whether your front end is implemented in React, Vue, Svelte, or any other Javascript framework. You will always be able to use the core search experience in any language. 

Traditional search engines often struggle to understand the context and meaning behind written content. However, AI search engines like Joyspace Search can leverage advanced semantic analysis techniques to comprehend the underlying concepts and ideas within documents. Joyspace AI-powered search approach ensures that users receive highly relevant results, even when using slightly different phrasing or synonyms. Joyspace achieves semantic matching with its advanced semantic matching engine built into search. There are no extra charges and no configuration required to enable semantic search.

By analyzing the semantic relationships between words and phrases, Joyspace AI search engines can identify the true intent behind a query. It then delivers results that match the user's conceptual understanding, rather than simply relying on keyword matching. 

We have customers who are able to search a hundred million or more documents within milliseconds. Since all indices are stored in memory, the Joyspace AI-powered search experience is lightning fast. Whether you are building Enterprise Search, eCommerce search, Travel Search, or Content search capabilities, Joyspace will fit the bill. If you are in the legal profession dealing with tens of thousands of documents, Joyspace AI can make a real difference by saving you time and money. 

If you are building applications that require HTML, PDFs, JSON, RTF, Doc, Docx, PPT, CSV, MS Excel format (and many more), the Joyspace AI search engine can provide you the required solution. Joyspace connects to over 300+ data sources, including CRM applications, Office, Cloud applications, etc. All data remains secure and encrypted at rest. 

Did you know?

We manage the entire data pipeline and search indices for you. Compared to other search engines, such as Algolia or Elasticsearch, where you have to understand and manage indices, we manage end-to-end search experiences for you and your customers. All you have to do is point to your data (whether on AWS, GCP, Azure, or on-premise) to get started.

What if you have audio data? Are you a media company, a podcast business, or have a need to transcribe audios and videos? For audio and video content, the Joyspace AI search engine leverages automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology and state-of-the-art (SOTA) models to generate transcripts. These transcripts enable users to perform searches with AI within the audio or video content, making it easier to find specific information without having to manually scan through lengthy recordings. Again, you can retrieve the timing of every single word within transcripts. 

How is this helpful? Think about what happens when you have thousands of hours of podcasts, webinars, or videos and your customers want to search for that specific phrase. Traditional search engines fall flat in this scenario, disappointing you and your customers. By converting spoken words into text, the Joyspace Search Engine can create solutions to allow users to search for key phrases, names, or concepts within audio and video files, just as they would with written documents. 

If you are in the media, entertainment, or education industries, this feature is a no-brainer. Joyspace Audio search pricing is the best in the industry. There is no other company that comes closer to pricing for the offered features. 

You can easily embed Joyspace search within your app or website with our APIs.

Another powerful feature of Joyspace AI search is the ability to perform topic searches. Instead of relying solely on keyword matching, the Joyspace AI search engine can understand the broader topic or concept being queried. This search with AI capability is particularly useful when users are unsure of the exact terminology or have a more general area of interest. By analyzing the context and relationships between words and phrases, Joyspace AI-powered search tools can identify the underlying topic or theme and deliver relevant results, even if the query doesn't contain the exact keywords or phrases used in the source material.

As an example, you might have a document corpus of recipe ingredients or videos around cooking recipes. Say, the end user searches for "healthy meal recipe." Now, even though there are no words “healthy meal” in the entire document corpus or in videos, the Joyspace AI-powered search will show all recipes based on healthy meal ingredients. This happens because the Joyspace AI search engine understands and automatically categorizes recipes and ingredients and builds relationships among them. 

This feature is included at no extra cost to you in the Starter, Standard, and Enterprise plans

Face Detection

For visual content, the Joyspace AI search engine uses facial recognition technology to identify individuals within images and videos. Face detection features are highly accurate and can work even for low-resolution videos. This feature is invaluable for organizations that need to quickly locate specific individuals within large media libraries. 

Joyspace AI facial recognition uses SOTA models for understanding and detecting faces. By training machine learning models on vast datasets of facial images, the Joyspace AI search engine can accurately recognize and tag individuals in visual content. You can enable users to search for specific people or filter results based on their presence. This capability is particularly useful in industries such as legal, security video analysis, media production, and building highly personalized experiences within your applications. This feature is also quite useful for video testimony and footage analysis for law enforcement agencies.

The Joyspace AI search engine offers chapterization capabilities, which automatically segment lengthy videos or documents into logical chapters or sections. This search feature allows users to quickly navigate to the most relevant sections, saving valuable time and improving overall productivity. By analyzing the structure and flow of content, these Joyspace AI-powered searches identifies natural break points and create chapter markers, making it easier for users to skip to the sections they need without having to browse through entire files. 

If you have large video or audio content, this is one of the most valuable features. If you are a content creator, you will love this feature even more as you save tens of hours each month. Joyspace AI Search offers APIs to avail of this feature. 

Emotion Recognition

In addition to recognizing faces, Joyspace AI search engines can also detect and analyze emotional expressions. This AI-powered search capability is particularly useful for marketing and customer experience teams, enabling them to gain valuable insights into consumer reactions and sentiments. By training machine learning models on datasets of facial expressions and body language, Joyspace AI search tools can identify emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, and many others within visual content. We extract more than 200+ signals from each video. With our frame-by-frame analysis, you can pinpoint the exact change and understand how emotions are changing in the video content with a temporal graph. 

If you are keen to understand how audiences respond to specific products, campaigns, or messaging, this will allow you to refine your strategies and better connect with your target audience. Additionally, emotion recognition can be fed back to AI video generation providers such as Stability AI, OpenAI, and Midjourney models to further enhance AI video generation capabilities.

This is a new feature with high potential. If you are a marketing agency or research professional, you will love the emotion recognition offered by the Joyspace AI-powered search engine. 

Objects Inside Videos  

The Joyspace AI search engine can also identify and label various objects within video content. This Joyspace search API feature is invaluable for industries such as e-commerce, where users may need to quickly locate specific products or items within large video catalogs. Joyspace AI search has one of the best computer vision algorithms embedded in the search engine in the industry.

By leveraging computer vision and object recognition algorithms, these AI-powered search capabilities allow you to automatically detect and tag objects like furniture, clothing, electronics, and more, enabling users to search for specific items or filter results based on the presence of certain objects. This capability streamlines product discovery and enhances the overall shopping experience for consumers.

If you are looking for an eCommerce search engine that understands, identifies, and provides accurate search and recommendation, this feature will help you meet all your goals for your application and website. Use the Joyspace video search and document search APIs to implement this feature. 

OCR Search and Text Inside Videos

Images are an integral part of the search. What goes unnoticed is that there are billions of scanned texts and images with text overlays. This information presents massive potential for SMBs and large enterprises. If you are in the content management industry, this will be your most loved feature. 

Video OCR is challenging. For example, say the brand Amazon is present from time (2:23 – 5:56) in a video. In some of the frames, the brand name will be blurred or occluded. Joyspace AI search video OCR has to take this into account to mark the exact time for OCR-detected text. We are proud to provide precise and semantically correct boundaries for when a particular text appears in the video.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology implemented by the Joyspace AI search engine enables us to extract and index text from visual content, including images and videos. We are able to process low-resolution images and scanned text. Accuracy is quite high, with 99.999% accurate detection. This search with AI capability allows users to perform text-based searches within visual media, expanding the possibilities for enterprise search and AI web search. 

You may have a document corpus from legacy media or old documents that are locked in your database or cloud storage system. By using Joyspace AI search with OCR, you bring them to life and make them available for consumption with a few clicks. You do not need complex workflows, specialized software, or months of investment for OCR searches. All you have to do is make your data available for indexing in the Joyspace AI search. Joyspace AI will automatically extract text and build indices for you, making documents searchable. By identifying and indexing text elements within visual content, these Joyspace AI- powered search engine APIs make it possible for you to search for specific words, phrases, or information directly within images or video frames, rather than relying solely on metadata or descriptions. 

This feature is included in the Starter, Standard, and Enterprise plans.

The Joyspace AI search engine makes it possible to search for and extract data from tables in PDFs, HTML pages, documents, or websites. This feature is useful for anyone who needs to quickly locate and retrieve tabular information. Joyspace AI search uses computer vision and machine learning techniques for scanned documents to extract information from complex table structures automatically. 

Joyspace AI-powered search automatically identifies and indexes information from table data. Imagine you have thousands of documents with scanned tables, nested tables, very large tables with no clear boundaries, or scanned documents with hundreds of thousands of rows. You can make this available instantly without needing to write any special code with the Joyspace AI search engine. This capability streamlines data extraction and analysis, saving valuable time and effort compared to manual methods.

AI Synonyms

One of the key advantages of Joyspace AI search is its ability to understand synonyms and related concepts on given documents, video, and audio data. This Joyspace AI search engine capability ensures that users receive relevant results even when using slightly different terminology or phrasing in their queries. For example, the document corpus may have the keyword “running shoes." If a user queries “Nike" or "Adidas” this document will be part of the search results even though there is no Nike or Adidas present in the document corpus. 

By leveraging natural language processing and semantic analysis techniques, Joyspace AI search identifies the underlying meaning and intent behind a query, and matches it with relevant content. This feature is extremely useful if you do not have a fixed schema in your document corpus or videos or if you have a diverse set of users with a wide range of query patterns. 

For users who may not be familiar with the specific terminology used in a particular domain or industry, enabling them to find the information they need using more natural language. In a nutshell, you never fail to answer users' queries. The Joyspace AI-powered search engine makes this experience delightful for you and your users. 

Scene Understanding

For visual content, the Joyspace AI search engine provides capabilities and APIs to analyze and interpret the overall context and meaning of an image or video. This is an extremely valuable feature if you want to analyze what is inside video data frame by frame. Common use cases are classification, training of ML/AI models, video security footage analysis, building content filters, content safety, and more. 

One example of scene comprehension is content moderation. Joyspace AI-powered search makes it easy for businesses to build content safety and security into their applications. You can easily filter out obscene contents, cuss words, vulgar language, and pretty much anything that does not fit your standards or rules. Joyspace AI search will provide highly accurate results for each visual content, whether images or videos.
Another example of scene understanding would be to train AI models for computer vision, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. You may want to train your models on certain scenes, but cutting down scenes from thousands of videos is a tedious task that can’t be done without human intervention and has a high cost. Instead, you can index your videos with the Joyspace AI search engine and use search queries as you fit. For example, if you are training on “person eating noodles” scenes, a Joyspace search will provide accurate timestamps, scenes, and descriptions of each scene from a library of thousands of videos. 

If you are building AI that uses visual content, this feature will be of high utility to you. This feature is included at no cost in our Standard and Enterprise plans.

Action Recognition

In addition to identifying objects, the Joyspace AI-powered search engine helps in the recognition and classification of various actions and activities within video content. This is searching inside the video for a specific action the user performed or said a specific word. We are the only AI that can do this at scale and with a very high degree of accuracy (99%).

As an example, you have thousands of hours of exercise video footage. You may want to search for how specific exercise is done or search for exercise based on target muscles. You can easily make this search available to users with the Joyspace AI search engine. The Joyspace AI-powered search capability is useful for a wide range of applications, including sports analytics, surveillance, and content recommendation systems.

At Joyspace, we have trained ML models on datasets of human actions and movements. Joyspace AI-powered search can accurately detect and label activities such as running, jumping, dancing, or playing sports. You can easily embed this search capability in your web or mobile application with our APIs. 

RAG Application

You can easily build Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) capabilities that serve multimodal text content as output. You can index your data with the Joyspace AI-powered search engine and send it a query to look for documents. Joyspace AI search can provide you with an accurate document that you can send as context to an LLM application. Additionally, depending on your needs, we can also build context for you that you can send to your favorite LLM, such as OpenAI, Mistral, or any other LLM. 


Joyspace AI Search is an end-to-end managed AI search engine. Joyspace AI is an alternative to Elasticsearch and an alternative to the Algolia search engine. 

In conclusion, the Joyspace AI-powered search engine is revolutionizing the way we find and access information. By leveraging advanced techniques such as semantic analysis, facial recognition, object detection, and natural language processing, Joyspace AI search tools can understand the true intent and context behind queries. This allows us to deliver highly relevant results, even when users employ different phrasing or terminology. With Joyspace AI search, you can build magical experiences by sending multimodal queries and getting back multimodal results. 

The ability to search within multimedia content like videos, images, and audio files opens up new possibilities across industries. Features like scene understanding, emotion recognition, and action detection make it possible for you to build and deliver unique user experiences, improve products and services, and drive business growth.

Companies that embrace AI-powered search engines like Joyspace Search gain a significant competitive advantage, providing their customers with exceptional, personalized experiences. 

Get in touch to request access to the Joyspace AI Search Engine.