How To Create Lead Magnet and Generate Leads

How To Create Lead Magnet and Generate Leads
Joyspace AI Assistant for creating lead magnet, lead generation, and marketing automation.

The top of the funnel (TOFU), middle of the funnel (MOFU), and bottom of the funnel (BOFU) cover three stages of conversion funnels. As potential customers navigate your business's conversion funnel, they embark on a journey marked by distinct stages: the top of the funnel (TOFU), the middle of the funnel (MOFU), and the bottom of the funnel (BOFU). In the TOFU stage, the focus is on capturing attention and creating awareness. Advancing into the middle of the funnel (MOFU) entails fostering relationships with leads, establishing credibility, and fostering more profound connections. Transitioning to the bottom of the funnel (BOFU) signifies the conclusive phase, where well-informed prospects are positioned for conversion, ready to become customers.

Why Top of the funnel marketing matters 

The top of the funnel represents the initial awareness stage, where buyers initially interact with your company or brand. Awareness is the most critical stage through which users enter your conversion funnel. Many businesses focus heavily on middle- and bottom-of-the-funnel tactics like email nurturing and retention. While these are undoubtedly important, the top of the funnel (TOFU) is just as critical for driving sales growth.

TOFU marketing encompasses everything you do to attract strangers and turn them into leads. This includes building awareness of your brand, capturing contacts, and moving prospects into your sales funnel. If your TOFU efforts fall short, you’ll struggle to generate enough leads to fuel business growth.

Top 4 reasons why TOFU marketing deserves more attention:

There are several key reasons why TOFU marketing deserves more attention:

  1. It builds crucial early relationships with potential customers during the awareness and consideration stages. You need to make a strong first impression.
  2. It directly impacts your sales cycle length, conversion rates, cost per lead, and other sales funnel metrics. Optimizing TOFU boosts performance downstream.
  3. The competition for attention online is fierce. TOFU marketing helps you stand out and be discoverable to buyers.
  4. Prospects need multiple exposures to your brand before purchasing. TOFU gives you more touch points upfront to nurture leads.

Lead Magnets

So how exactly can you improve your TOFU marketing? Lead magnets are one of the most effective tactics.

What are lead magnets?

Lead magnets are resources that you give out for free (yes, free!) in exchange for customers' contact information, such as email, phone number, physical address (for shipping freebies), their name, education, company information etc. 

Some examples of lead magnets include Webinars, Cheatsheets, Secrets, Courses, Quizzes, Graders, Videos, Ebooks, Guides, Bonuses, Libraries , Checklists, Workbooks, Studies, Templates, Free courses, Group Memberships, Insights and anything else that can be valuable for the person seeing your offer.

Where to offer them?

You can offer these lead magnets on your websites, social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and any other avenue where you have a good presence. You may also run an advertisement to offer these lead magnets. Google Ads, Meta Ads, and LinkedIn Ads are very effective for capturing lead magnets. If you have the budget, you can also offer lead magnets free at conferences, although that requires significant investment on your part for attending conferences. 

Tip: Advertise on social media or Google, however, offer lead magnets on your website. This way, users get a chance to see what your brand and offer are all about. Use the Joyspace AI Assistant custom widget to simplify this interaction.

Why give it away for free?

You may be wondering why I should offer it for free. What is in it for me? The answer is that by offering relevant, quality content not readily available elsewhere, lead magnets attract website visitors and convert them into subscribers to nurture further with more personalized touches. Remember when we talked about TOFU at the start of our post? This is where the journey starts. Providing free lead magnets generates more leads by removing friction and building trust and enthusiasm to progress contacts through consideration (MOFU) and closer to conversion (BOFU).

In the conversion funnel, you are very likely going to have a drop-off. It is highly unlikely that a person who just visited your website will not end up purchasing a product if they have not heard of you before or if they know they have a lot of choices. Therefore, it is important to have a very high number of leads entering your conversion funnel (TOFU). If you have a decent product and other parts of marketing are aligned, you will see a good 3% to 5% conversion. Therefore, it is imperative to have a higher number of leads in your conversion funnel.

Quality of Lead Magnets

Alright. Now that we have covered “why lead magnets should be free," let us now discuss the “quality” of the lead magnets. This is where most marketers and companies fail. They think that I can just offer any document or webinar for free and expect to have wide success. Nothing could be further from the truth. The number one factor that determines whether you have an awesome lead magnet is the quality of the lead magnet. This means you can’t just make any ebook, webinar, cheatsheet, template, or other material available for free and expect a higher level of awareness. It has the highest-quality material.

If people have already seen a form of your checklist, webinar, or ebook elsewhere, they are unlikely to engage with your offer. If they don’t see how using your lead magnet can be beneficial for them in the first 10 seconds, you have already lost. Remember, like you, there are thousands of other companies eyeing customer attention and wanting them to offer lead magnets. Therefore, only the highest-quality material wins the game. 

Okay. What does it take?

Creating top-notch lead magnets demands strategic alignment with audience needs, a compelling value proposition that goes beyond generic content, and establishing your brand as a trustworthy authority through solid research and industry expertise. It also involves striking a balance between providing valuable insights and leaving room for curiosity, enticing the audience to explore more through your products or services. The costs of creating lead magnets can include hiring designers, writers, researchers, videographers, and more to produce assets like ebooks, courses, templates, or tools. It also takes substantial time and effort to strategically craft content that provides compelling value tailored to your audience’s needs.

Does this mean you have to spend a fortune to earn customers' attention? Does this mean only companies with a large budget can afford to create lead magnets? What about small businesses, startups, non-profits, education institutes, and hundreds of thousands of others who don’t have time or resources to create lead magnets?

Fortunately, no! You don’t have to spend a large amount of money, time, or human resources to create lead magnets.

Joyspace AI Assistant

Joyspace AI Assistant can be used for lead magnet material generation. Most companies already have some form of content. You may have some material in the form of blogs, courses, internal documents, product benefits, product discounts, videos, podcasts, or webinars. You can turn your existing assets into a stream of Lead Magnet material. 

What’s more, you can put lead magnet material creation on autopilot and continue to offer your users material that will drive strong growth for your TOFU and drive awareness for your brand, product, website, and services. 

How is this possible? Glad you asked. At Joyspace, we enable businesses of all sizes, from solopreneurs, small teams, large teams, and specialized companies, to use AI. We do cutting-edge research, build AI models, and make these available for use with our APIs and platform. Whether you have an engineering or development team or not, you can still generate lead magnet material through our platform. 

Step-by-step process to create lead magnets:

Method 1: Use Joyspace AI web application

You can sign up and integrate our web portal or widget into your website. The widget appears in the right corner of your website or app. Whenever your customer visits this page or widget, they can ask questions and get free material for download. Integrating the Joyspace AI Assistant is a breeze. All it takes is integrating five lines of code. Everything else is automatically managed for you.

Part 1: Generate a Lead Magnet

  1. Sign up and create an account. 
  2. Upload your material. Don’t worry! We use the strongest form of encryption. We encrypt data in transit and also on the cloud. No one else can see or access your data. 
  3. Choose the type of lead magnet you want to create. For example, choose from Webinar Summary, Cheatsheets, Secrets, Course Summary, Quizzes, Graders, Videos, Ebooks, Guides, Checklists, Workbooks, Studies, Templates, Free courses, Insights, Video Summary, Podcast Summary, PodNuggets etc.
  4. Upload your brand assets. For example, upload your logo, brand name, footer, etc. This will be automatically included in the lead magnet material.
  5. Download your material for your reference. You will receive notification in the platform as well as on email when your material is ready. 

Part 2: Embed Joyspace AI Assistant on your website

  1. Upload all the data you want the assistant to answer questions about. We will automatically include your lead magnet material. If you want us to crawl your website, just check the crawl website box. You can also specify URLs you want us to crawl.
  2. Upload any customer service documents. 

Text data and documents are indexed in real time. Videos, podcasts, and crawled websites are available within 12 hours.

  1. Click next to go to the next section. Click generate code. Copy the provided code within <head> </head> and <body></body> tags of your website. 

There you have it! You just included Joyspace AI Assistant on your website. 

Joyspace AI Assistant is trained to look for material that converts and grabs customer attention. We have hundreds of thousands of hours of trained data that will automatically analyze your material and convert it into a form that becomes an awesome lead magnet.

Method 2: Use Joyspace AI Assistant APIs

At Joyspace, we also offer APIs if you want to have any customization and want to create lead magnet material on a mass scale. Our APIs are highly reliable and offer a distinct advantage for creating highly customized output tailored to your needs.

You can distribute this material on social media or through advertising. All material is owned by you forever. There is no licensing or royalties for lead magnet material generated with Joyspace AI Assistant.


Joyspace AI Assistant streamlines top-of-the-funnel (TOFU) strategies, turning existing content into high-quality lead magnet material effortlessly. Elevate your business with effective TOFU marketing using lead magnets. Whether through webinars, cheatsheets, or courses, Joyspace AI's cutting-edge technology enhances your brand's visibility and drives growth.

Joyspace AI Assistant enables businesses to effortlessly generate high-quality lead magnet materials, putting TOFU marketing on autopilot and driving brand awareness, all without the need for extensive resources or budgets. You can use the Joyspace AI assistant to generate lead magnet material. You can also include Joyspace AI Assistant on your website or app with five lines of code that will offer customers your lead magnets and answer a myriad of other marketing, sales, and product questions. 

Elevate your TOFU marketing game with Joyspace today and achieve a higher return on investment.

Elevate your TOFU marketing game with Joyspace today and achieve a higher return on investment. Learn more.

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